Saturday, March 5, 2011

How Do Get Air Out Of Fire Sprinkler System

college movie

Dear friends!

carnival I have survived until now, fortunately, and I really had fun. Yesterday we were all really into the Vinxler party tent, but we came through the great masses of people no longer even after 2 hours of pure. Trotzalldem I had wonderful days. Today, I think, at least, I'm a calm. Although the first is Saturday, I had already planned two full days and the party is really exhausting.

carnival costumes hair ribbon and shoes by H & M, Zara trousers, leg warmers from Falcon, Top of mango, sun glasses RayBan. I love the sunglasses. She is already very old.

name bracelet.

everyday look: Alverde lipstick in 122 with Kathy Nudelipgloss 32 Artdeco

My Friend.

ring love Accessorize from left to right, H & M, H & M

I hope that you also have wonderful carnival days. more pictures coming soon.

until then, xxx


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