Friday, December 24, 2010

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Christmas is evil

Everyone still remembers the uprising of Muslims because of the Mohammed cartoons. Deeply offended many Muslims now felt they had done them wrong, and the more extreme members of this religious group even said it would respond with violence and murder them.

show Now Muslims back to them myself lacking any respect for other religious communities in an action that Europe starts: "Christmas is evil"

In a large-scale poster campaign in Britain, but also refers to many European websites spread of Muslims this message :

expression of hatred on the festival of peace

is a poster for example: the evils of Christmas: On Christmas my true love gave me an STD! On the second day debts. On the third day rape, on 4 Days teenage pregnancies. Then came abortion, wild parties, the claim that God had a son, blasphemy, exploitation, sexual freedom, night clubs, crime, pedophilia, paganism, domestic violence, homelessness, violence, vandalism, alcohol, drugs ...

as salvation and salvation from all these evils Christian is represented on the other hand, Islam: In Islam we are all protected from this malicious. We have the marriage, family, honor, dignity, security, rights of man, woman and child.

to Contacts to breach a phone number and website specified. This is based on the 27-year-old hate preachers and sharia-supporter Abu Rumaysah, the Anjem Choudary, leader of the radical "Islam4UK", is closely associated.

asked about his poster campaign said Rumaysah: Christmas is a lie and it is our duty as Muslims to fight against it. But our main target is the impact of Christmas. Things such as alcohol abuse and sexual Freedom of movement, increase during the Christmas season and all the other evils that spring from it such as abortion, domestic violence and crime. We hope our campaign makes people realize that Islam is the only way out of it and that they convert.

The revealing is that of Islam with the message "Christmas is evil," expressing that he is against the celebration of peace. In this sense the action of European Muslims a kernel of truth, because he brings to what constitutes Islam, violence, hatred and war.
One sees the Holy Spirit works and brings the truth to light.

why I ask all the Muslims on this road to Considering it as answer for Christians is this terrible insult Islam: Pray that the Muslims know Jesus and accept the love and peace is the right way and not hatred.

Source: Christmas is evil / Christmas Evil is

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Infestation Period Of Impetigo

News from the famous tourist destination Egypt

make during each year of thousands of Germans vacation in Egypt are Christians persecuted and suppressed massively. This persecution is happening not only in recent years but have for centuries and it affects quite a few people but some 15 million Egyptians, a minority in this country.

Two recent examples:

Unfortunately, nothing will change if you do not mind. A boycott of the vacation land of Egypt would be a possibility or a visit to the Copts to signal that one appreciates as tourists from the West not only the sun, but also a decent Dealing with each other.

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Why is the Christmas story can be trusted

Michael Hesemann, a noted historian, says in an interview why you can trust the Christmas story in the Bible. He was assigned pointing to the amazing details of what the Bible by various findings.

Source: Why you can trust the Christmas story

Augsburg ( Mr Hesemann, shortly before Christmas, she released her newest book "Jesus of Nazareth. Archaeologists in the footsteps of the Redeemer in St. Ulrich of Augsburg Publishing House. In it you go to the bottom of the Christmas story. Is it because the reports of Matthew and Luke ever Credence?

has for decades been drummed into us in fact, Jesus was not born in Bethlehem, but in Nazareth, the whole Christmas story is a religious invention. The Jews expected the Messiah from Bethlehem, so you had to invent a scenario in order to leave him there, just come to the world. Meanwhile you can see the fortunately very much differentiated.

what way?

First is the increased confidence in the Gospels. The claim that they were written as late as possible and then together with the participation of local communities has somehow been proven to be unsustainable. Finally emerged fragments on ever-earlier gospels. Shall be deemed to be safe now that all four Gospels at the latest immediately after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. were completed, thus stem from the time of the eyewitnesses.

The second reason is that no country in the world has been explored since 1967 archaeologically as thoroughly as Israel. And that archaeologists could dig up more and more sites that looked exactly as they were described by the evangelists - proving that they actually witness accounts processed.

We are now in an almost ironic situation: The archaeologists bring to the theologians to believe again in the Scriptures!

So it was As reported to the control estimate, from the Gospel of Luke. Did it take place?

Not Available evidence is not evidence of absence - this rule applies also in the historiography. We have in addition to the Gospels almost exclusively an independent source on the history of the Holy Land, Flavius Josephus. But he has left more of a genre picture than even a semi-complete chronicle.

is a fact: Not only in every Roman province, but also in all the client kingdoms were held regularly estimated, on average every 14 years. In neighboring Nabatean kingdom was probably in December, 6 BC. a Fabatus certain to work, Josephus explicitly described as Roman tax officials.

We also read with him, that Herod BC to 5th by all the people demanded an oath, he could well have linked to the entry into the tax rolls. The Jews in February already paid the temple tax, he could have chosen this date for it.

by ancient tax returns, which have been preserved, has testified that the taxpayer had actually gone to the place where he owned property. Also, this detail is so consistent.

As for the governor Quirinius, under which all must have taken place, of course, true He also estimated that AD of the Year 6th conducted, as Judea was a Roman province and was a governor.

But Luke mentions explicitly that it refers to the "first time", that is obviously an earlier estimate, based. The grave inscription of Quirinus, discovered in Tibur see, we know that he served twice as imperial legate in Syria. This can only mean BC Before the second half of the year 5, when he was replaced Varus.! The evidence so let the portrayal of Luke certainly seem feasible.

honest, was really because Jesus' birth in Bethlehem? "

of which I am convinced. His mother and his step-father Joseph came from both the Davididenclan whose master was home to Bethlehem. Probably the clan moved only under the pressure of the Hasmonean in Galilee, the new Jewish kings, for which he wanted as far from the political scene have gone.

rested Finally, all messianic hopes of Jews in this royal family of ancient Israel during the Hasmonean were just upstarts. In Herod, it was still risky for the Davidians, too obvious to appear, he was mercilessly kill all potential claimants to the throne.

Nevertheless preserved the land and was inherited. After the Christian tradition, Mary's father Joachim was a wealthy rancher. From him she could have inherited pasture in Bethlehem.

is certain in any case that the birth grotto early as the 2nd Century sanctuary of the Christians. The testimony of contemporary authors such as Justin Martyr.

Emperor Hadrian, designed to target all Christian and Jewish sites paganisierte was there against AD 135th a Attisheiligtum build, but this did not prevent the Christians to pray here on.

A cave that is as stable in Bethlehem?

More generally served in the Holy Land caves as stables. Only the imagination of European artists let it be a wooden hut. Such was the manger in which the infant Jesus was laid, and you can still visit in Bethlehem, a rock trough, carved a niche in the cave.

in your book you also went to the question of who were the Magi ...

course there were no kings. Kings left their kingdom only two reasons to official state visits or on the tip of a force. But in Matthew this there is also no mention of kings, he tells of "magoi" or "Magi from the East", which is commonly translated as "wise men". And it

fails the test of modern exegetes to explain the Gospels report, a myth. The visit of the Magi filled just not the prophecy of Psalm 72, "all kings shall worship him," even if the church fathers have it later like depicted so, beginning with Tertullian, who attested to the Magi, they were indeed at least "as occurred Kings . We also do not know whether it was three, it may have been just as good two or four, and Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, "they also called in later writings.

One, however, have their earliest representations, such as in the Roman catacombs, in common: They always wear the so-called "Phrygian cap", the traditional headgear of the Medes and Persians. And that's "Magi" were: the caste of priests, the Levites, the quasi-Meder, of which we know two things for sure, namely that they were followers of Zoroaster and that astrologers.

This is demonstrated by the way one of the great wonders of the ancient world, the Nemrut Dagi in today's southeastern Turkey. This is a huge, pyramid-like grave, on top of which, to the east, five monumental statues of Greek gods Persian, flanked by lions and eagles stood. One of them, a lion statue represents a chart showing the constellation on Coronation Day the first king of Commagene, whose son Antiochus I. BC to 40th This monument was erected.

His astrologers, it unveiled a dedicatory inscription, Magi were - "priests in the robes of the Persian race, which are represented on the reliefs just as later the" Three Kings ", namely, with Phrygian cap. The horoscope for the coronation she had calculated. It was the day that Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and the moon in the constellation of the Lion stood.

What pagan astrologers looked at the manger of Jesus?

the Messiah! During the Babylonian captivity there was an encounter between Judaism and Zoroastrian teachings come. Later claimed the Jews even, Zoroaster was a disciple of the prophet Daniel was.

is certain that Daniel from BC 539th the court of the Persian King Darius in Ecbatana, visited the capital of the Medes, which was also the center of the Magi. The Jewish wife of King Ahasuerus, Queen Esther, founded later a Jewish colony in Ecbatana.

Modern religious scholars believe that the Jewish eschatology, the belief in a final battle between good and evil, as we meet it as in the Qumran writings is inspired by the Zoroastrian doctrine. In any event, we knew each other and be respected. Now also expected Zarathustra bring a Savior, which he called Saoschjant, and a new, imperishable world would. According to him, the Magi have kept lookout when they saw the star to Bethlehem.

Generally applies to Jupiter / Saturn conjunction in the year 7 BC. than the historical Star of Bethlehem. But they deny in your book. Why?

Nowhere in the Gospel of Matthew is a plural: it is only a single star of the speech, not of two approaching planet. Now there is a more concrete description of the so-called "Protevangelium of James," which tells so many details from the Jewish life during the Second Temple that early Date of origin is very probable, the great archaeologist Benedictine Father Bargil Pixner even suspected its roots in the traditions of the family of Jesus. And therein lies the Magi are cited:

"We saw a massive star that shone among the other heavenly bodies (on) and let their light fade. That does not sound like a conjunction, but in a very different phenomenon in the sky, a supernova, a star exploded. Such was actually held in the period in question - in Chinese and Korean sources, it was BC, between mid March and late May 5 visible in the constellation of the eagle!

The eagle, however, was not only among the Greeks the symbol of Zeus, he was also among the Persians for their supreme god, Ahura-mazda. This was the blazing star in the Eagle for the Magi a clear sign of the coming of the Savior sent by God.

But the earlier planetary phenomena have yet taken place ...

Yes, of course. Previously there were three interesting astrological conjunctions that preceded the supernova. The first of these was actually the famous Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Pisces, the first time in May, 7 BC. appeared. It announced at least that would be born in the land of the Jews (Saturn), a new king (Jupiter). This is what the Magi certainly have taken careful note of the reason for departure was not enough.

Two other, equally significant constellations followed 6 BC. and February 5 BC. before the supernova lit up the night sky.

way corresponds to the report of Matthew to the laws of celestial mechanics. When the Magi the supernova mid March 5 BC. the first time saw that he was actually in the East. In the next two months, he "walked" is always more to the south. Bethlehem is south of Jerusalem. When the Magi So at dawn from Jerusalem to Bethlehem from flying off, they have this bright, shining star directly have been going on.

Is not that all a bit speculative?

Now I'll tell you why I am so sure that I'm right! When the Magi mid-May, 5 BC. Reached Jerusalem, they told Herod what they exactly two years since BC, just since May 7, had seen in the sky. And what did the king? He issued orders to "all the boys until the age of two years to kill"!

What sense would have it, when the Magi only half a year after the start of observations about November 7 BC., Had been in the crib? No, it was exactly two years!

Christ's birth was so in March, 5 BC., Therefore, already deposited the shepherds with their flocks in the pastures from Bethlehem. According to the Talmud, the sheep spent the winter from November to 1 Nisan 9th, this year on the March occurred in the barns. But this means that Jesus was born when the sacrificial lambs for the upcoming Passover came to the world ...

Is there evidence that the Massacre of the Innocents has actually taken place?

Flavius Josephus describes a veritable frenzy of Herod in the last two years of his reign, when he was obviously fall into the paranoia and madness, but he does not mention the child murders.

In Bethlehem, lived at the time of Jesus, but only a few hundred People, the number of his victims be located somewhere between 10 and 30, which went in the amount of the described acts of violence, including the second wife of Herod and his two sons were killed, well-informed.

But there is an AD by 70. formed Jewish scripture, the "Assumption of Moses" that implies the child murder and compares it with the command of Pharaoh to kill the firstborn of the Jews. Incidentally, the "feast of the Holy Innocents of Bethlehem" in the 4th Century 18 May committed.

The Protevangelium of James, dated turn the child murder in one of the two weeks of the priestly class service Abijah, who also Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist belonged. We can look for the Jewish calendar to calculate precisely that of 13 to 20 May and lasts. So you see, how precisely can be the tradition!

In your book you describe the discovery of Herod's tomb in early 2007. What it tells us about the biblical villain?

Yes, found after 35 years of fruitless searching, Israeli archaeologist Ehud Netzer it just where he had never suspected, that the slope of Herodium, a massive fortress palace of Herod on the edge of the desert.

I am last May, when I saw the Pope to the Holy Land, accompanied went there and had a look at that. And you know what? The dead king looked directly at Bethlehem!

The grave is testimony also depends on just how much hate the people in the end, Herod. Only a few years after his death it was completely devastated, shattered his sarcophagus in a thousand pieces.

His residence reveals everything about him, his megalomania, his ostentation, his paranoia, it was the grandest of its time, even surpassing most of the Roman Emperor villas later date. The whole country was covered with prestige buildings, while the people impoverished. The temple he built the most impressive temple in the ancient world, from the outside covered with marble and gold - but at heart, in the Blessed Sacrament, it was empty.

It could be no greater contrast than that between the "King of the Jews" of the emperor's grace and Jesus. His kingdom was quite of this world and ephemeral as dust. Jesus came in the shadow of all this splendor in a simple stable cavity to the world - and his kingdom endures forever!

But you know, something good had the policy of Herod, the connection to Rome, after all. Through them, Judea opened to the world. By connecting to the roads of the Roman empire, the gospel was half a century later spread like wildfire. There was never a time that would have been cheaper for the central event of history, the incarnation of God!

About the author: Michael Hesemann studied in Göttingen history, cultural anthropology, Germanic and Journalism and was until 2000 editor of a popular science magazine. Today he is a consultant to the Vatican magazine journalist and science of the ARD Buffet magazine. For his documentary film, he has won several awards in the U.S. and Great Britain. Most of his 30 books are international bestsellers. They appeared in 14 languages with a total circulation of over two million copies. With his study of church history and especially of Christian relics, he also was active in the Catholic Church a name. As an expert on these Topics he has participated in TV documentaries of the ARD, ZDF, ORF, BR, ARTE, the Vatican's CTV station, and the American, Italian, Canadian and English television. In addition, he has served as a lecturer, lectures for the educational work of the archdiocese of Cologne and other church
facilities. As a historian, he is researching for a Roman institution and the American Pave the Way Foundation (PTWF), were the obstacles to inter-religious dialogue between Catholics and Jews. In 2008 he received permission to search, even in the Vatican Secret Archives. In May 2009 he accompanied Pope Benedict XVI. on his historic trip to the Holy Land, visited the holy sites and researched about the latest research on Jesus. The result, his book "Jesus of Nazareth. Archaeologists in the footsteps of the Redeemer "was released in fall 2009 in St. Ulrich of Augsburg Publishing House. bound

Michael Hesemann
Jesus of Nazareth
archaeologists in the footsteps of the Redeemer
, 304 pages, 135 mm x 215 mm,
EUR 22.70

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Odenwald-school: "Sexual Systematic exploitation "

notes The draft final report into a scandal: At least one suicide is related to sexual abuse at the Odenwald School. So far, 132 persons concerned, including 117 men and 15 women.
seven teachers and one teacher are named as offenders, to get six other employees of the school and four former students. Main culprit: the former headmaster Gerold Becker, friend and life companion of progressive education Harmut Hentig of which is a known and active member of the Humanist Union and Gerold Becker has made repeatedly in protection.

Source: "Sexual exploitation of system

articles on:

Invocation For A Debutante

pedophilia in the Humanist Union? Part 7

progressive education Harmut of Hentig - friend and life companion of the principal offender in the Odenwald School, Gerold Becker - and advisory board member of the Humanist Union wanted to sit out the abuse scandal. From investigation of the incident and sympathy for the victims no trace of why too?

But why dissociating the Humanist Union not it? Obviously shares the Humanist Union and with it, as Mrs Justice Minister Advises other Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger of the opinion of Mr. Hentig.

Source: From Hentig would abuse scandal "sit out"

articles on:

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Muslims now threaten even more often non-Christians in Islamic countries

an experience which I too have made, now make 100 Copts in Egypt: Muslims threaten Christians in non-Islamic countries.

reported death threat against 100 Copts in Canada

(Rome / Vancouver / Mogadishu), the Canadian media that more than 100 Canadian citizens were made of Egyptian origin to the "black list" of a website, the Al-Qaeda is closely associated. They are accused of promoting the conversion of Muslims to Christianity. The website Shumukh-al-Islam, which occurred in the past on several occasions as the mouthpiece of Al-Qaeda, has published the names of Coptic Christians with photos, addresses and phone numbers. The majority of them has both the Egyptian and Canadian citizenship. They are accused of taken a public position against Islam to have. The three sites in classical Arabic be titled: "Complete information about the Copts" and have the goal of "all Copts in the world to identify by name, hoping to defame Islam." The Website refers to the Coptic Christians as "dogs in the Diaspora."
writes in the forum of the Islamic side of a member who calls himself "Son of a polished sword": "We will return to Islam and all the mujahideen will cut off the head." One of the affected Copts told the press: "This is a direct threat our lives. You try each other to pass on the information in the hope that a Muslim converting the threat into action. It could be here [in Canada] or be in Egypt. "Many of the affected Christians learned of the death threat only by Canadian security forces.

Sources: death threat against 100 Copts in Canada - In Somalia survived Christianity only in the underground and death threat against 100 Copts in Canada

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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Jews in Holland fear for their lives

anti-Semitism in Islam
The Hague: threaten Muslim youth Jews in the Netherlands. In Amsterdam, the faithful no longer believe in the synagogue. Ex-Commissioner Bolkestein advises Orthodox Jews to emigrate even.

The growing anti-Semitism in the Netherlands can not be stopped. Orthodox or "conscious" so Jews would do well to emigrate and to leave the Netherlands, said the former Dutch EU Commissioner Frits Bolkestein, the Orthodox Jews in the Netherlands. "With deliberate Jews I mean the Jews who are recognizable by their appearance as Jews. For them there is no future here more because of the growing anti-Semitism, especially among Moroccan and Turkish adolescents. And the number of these anti-Semitic youth is rapidly increasing." The Bolkestein said the newspaper "De Pers."

should in his view children of Orthodox Jews to emigrate either to Israel or the United States instead of staying in the Netherlands. "I'm very pessimistic. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict remains rampant. I do not see that this quickly provide a solution. Therefore, the anti-Semitism will continue to grow "

No" lock-Jews. "Bolkestein said further that he thought nothing of it," Lock-Jews. "Deploy to combat anti-Semitism in the Netherlands" Lock-Jews are "as Orthodox Jews clad policemen. They are insulted when they are attacked as Jews or to arrest the anti-Semites, so that they can be made of the process.,, The Moroccan and Turkish youth will not be deterred by such Lock-Jews, "said Bolkestein . He also points out that Arab TV stations, which can be received via satellite antennas, a very bad have influence on Muslim youth. capitulate

Teacher: Jewish organizations have repeatedly pointed to the rapidly growing anti-Semitism. The Jewish Professor Herman Lohnstein: "It is too late, too lax and done too little to combat the growing anti-Semitism. It seems as if the young Moroccans who assumed power in our streets. "Wage stone is also a director of two Jewish schools in Amsterdam:" I have forbidden my children to use public transport. I'm afraid that they will be attacked there. "

The Amsterdam-West district is no longer trust the Jews living there in their synagogue. They fear attacks. They hold their services in a synagogue can not be seen as a community center. But even there, the services took place only under guard. In some schools where Muslim youths are the majority in the classes, now no lessons on the Holocaust is longer exist. Many teachers and school leaders have capitulated to protest the Islamist youth against.

Source: The West - by Helmut Hetzel and confirmed Copts Without Borders

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"Bacha Bazi" - A Children's perverse

"WikiLeaks" reports of Afghan child molester. In the documents published by WikiLeaks were is not only embarrassing our politicians, but it is revealed what many already knew: Widespread Praxsis abuse of children in Afghanistan isam. In the London Guardian, the corresponding WikiLeaks documents published also mentions: "There is a long tradition of young boys dressing up as girls and dancing for men in Afghanistan, an activity that sometimes crosses the line into child abuse with Afghans keeping boys as possessions. . Although rarely discussed or criticised in Afghanistan, it is conceivable that the involvement of foreigners could have turned into a major public scandal "

An Afghan proverb loud:" Women are for children, "guys for fun. The small raped Boys are being sold by Afghan men. You are in the old Islamic tradition of war booty and without rights. They belong to him who has robbed the boys of a family - and in the evening the men will abuse the children. Little boys are dressed as girls have for their owners to dance at parties and are sometimes raped. And according to the Guardian, even the details have Western training of the Afghan police at the Bacha-Bazi-children passed.

The German foreign minister was informed of the events and it does not matter.

Source: "WikiLeaks" Kopp confirmed reports on Afghan child molester

Monday, December 6, 2010

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violence against Christians in Islamic countries - since when? After threats

Burning Church
There are some Islamic countries, small Christian minority. Very often this is presented as Beispielfür the great Islamic tolerance towards Christians. There are also many Islamic countries where there are no more Christians, but why?

A look at history shows that there were Christians in Islamic countries are pursuing. Times more, sometimes less. For example, in some nordafrianischen country's Christian population given the choice whether one is Musim or slave. Many choose slavery. Elsewhere
were brutally persecuted the Christians so that they zusammenschrupften over time to minorities.
In Turkey, there was in the 20th Century, several Christian persecution, with millions of dead Christians. Crimes that are denied by Turkey to this day, because we are ashamed to make their own history.

As it was in Syria and Lebanon as it enriches a Masak on Christians by Druze (Islamic sect) shows

Source: The forgotten massacre

were 150 years ago in Lebanon, the Maronite Christians, victims of bloody massacres by the Druze. The prosecution is from May to October 1860 and found in the carnage of 9 to 16 Held in Damascus in July, its highest point. He fell victim to thousands of Christians.

Next to the article: The forgotten massacre

Friday, December 3, 2010

What Should Do Aqurious Lagna Person

: WORLD-Online takes news of Mohammed network

Islam is peace?
Many have wondered a critical Mohammendartikel in a German newspaper found. German journalists have become brave?

Of course not. There were now some protests and threats of Musim can not bear that you can think critically Mohammemd based on reputable Islamic sources, and already runs "The World" the product back.

Sources: Muslims threaten WORLD journalists and WORLD Online article from the network takes Mohammed

The article, in the weblog secured "love or submission" and "Copts Without Borders .

And as always, very interesting to read: Henryk M. Broder

read who now want to think about how many Muslims in Germany, excerpts from the discussion at the Forum Islamic Brotherhood: "The reward for insulting the religion of God "

Raphael:" A monster from the field of the National Socialist gangsterism ", well know I the man is not, but what the blasphemy of Allah should now have to do with the Nazism reveals, not me. It is not a specialty of the "Nazis" belittle Allah. However, "Nazis" of course a notion of home, which is incompatible with the current development in Germany. This has nothing to do with Mr. Flake and his idiotic scribblings. For the so-called Nazis would have as one of its first acts to shoot the entire editorial staff of the Jewish Journal "The World" - not for blasphemy, but because of the Springer Verlag nothing but Evil in the world with.

Seyfullah : Omg, what can we say? Stone should these dogs.

Abdul Rahim : Raphael: Research the time but that of flakes, then you will see
where he is active.

Abu Shidda : This is the publishing house where this dog his lies about our dear Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) has published: Publisher's address: Kai Homilius Publisher - Distributor: Brandenburger Str 36-14542 Werder (Havel)
For contact: Email:
Do you want a conversation with one of our sales staff? Or do you want to sell our books? since 20.08.2008 subject to these phone numbers: Werder (Havel): phone +49- (0) 3327-569 86 11 +49- (0) 3327-569 86 11 - fax +49- (0) 3327 - 569 86 17

Abu Shidda : And here is info on this pig: Jan of flakes, was born on 19 6. 1954, in Borna near Leipzig, lives in Fredersdorf b. Berlin - Vita: The trained historian living as a writer in Brandenburg.

jihad al-Liby : as salamu aleykum who or what is in the picture?

Muwwahida : Subhanallah ... what an endless fictitious product! That the author of this distortion of history is not ashamed in land, three alone for most of this potential! Sorry I only do those who read this article and then form their opinion on that basis. Allahul musta'an.

Deathamph : shot age, are! You should visit those responsible and make them with a 9mm from a Swiss cheese

Mustafa al-Farsi : An enemy of Allah, slaughtered and sent to hell.

Abdul Rahim : Theo van Gogh, Ada inshallah Allah reaches the deepest level of hell!

Abu Imraan : If you ever noticed that most of these enemies of Allah really look like pigs. That is not the insult's sake, but in earnest. Like pigs. Look at the pictures on the Net. Geert Wilders - Kurt Westergaard - Theo van Gogh - Jan flakes, etc., etc.

albmuslim : their Dogs of the world online, I wish to torment and humiliation images this dunya and the Hereafter even greater torment I have not even read the whole article 10 sets already submitted to me zereisen inside. Let them for dise outrageous and sick lying penance.

albmuslim : you write a complaint to all mail as I

Mustafa al-Farsi : Yes, I noticed very often.

Janan : @ Alb Muslim, please do not beldeidige the dogs with this comparison. Wallahi, the dogs are so loyal and loving, would not make such a mess. The article took out the enemies of Allah.

Albmuslim : hamdulilah apparently has my e-mail sat DIR ps sorry for the dog comparative Janan I take that back because dogs are faithful indeed unclean but good

nasradin : it should be called pigs, because they look like pigs, and even act like pigs. the food sucks, and the pigs eat the enemies from the pig, their spiritual nourishment is also shit

doubt It is only a minority of Muslims who are willing to follow Islam in its last murderous consequences. But while the majority are silent on the alleged misuse of their religion strikingly, one wonders how many "Misguided" is needed to implement the fanatical agitation of such a page in the act? When Theo van Gogh, it took only one - and to an environment that encouraged this one in his religious delusions. The killer regularly visited a large mosque in Amsterdam. The call for murder was 14 previous comments from those who receive guidance. Criticism did not exist - but with a great enthusiasm for the idea of flakes and other critics of Islam " to zersieben 9mm like a Swiss cheese. "

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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Islamists threaten to "anarchy, should a Christian be pardoned!"

Transparent for Asia Bibi
Where it comes to saving lives is when it comes to peace and understanding, are not Islamists too far to be against it.
The government in Pakistan has intelligence and will pardon the Christian Asia Bibi. It is said the "Prophet" Mohammed have injured.

Islamists threaten to "anarchy, should a Christian be pardoned!" - Rome: Giant Transparent for Asia Bibi on Capitol

(Islamabad) radicals Imams and their followers warned the Pakistani president. He should pardon the alleged insult to the Prophet Mohammed to death sentenced Christin Asia Bibi, there would be a mass protest across Pakistan.

The pressure exerted by radical Muslims on the government illustrates the difficult relationship between the state and Islam. In Pakistan, no one wants to suspend the suspicion of mild to deal with "enemies of Islam."

The Pakistani government is under the influence of international protests and an urgent appeal by Pope Benedict XVI. a reprieve for the mother of two children. At the same time the pressure of the Islamists strengthened against such an intention. On 26 November, thousands of radical Muslims in the cities of Lahore and Karachi on the streets to their "anger" against all manifest to the "insulting Islam, the Prophet or Allah." Many Muslims to declare publicly that they would perceive a pardon of the condemned Christin Asia Bibi as a further insult.

According Asianews the protests were against the pardon of the Islamist organization Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) from. JuD is the largest Islamic charity in Pakistan, established by the United Nations as a terrorist organization, declared in 2008 and after attacks was banned by the Pakistani government. The main coordinator of the JuD, Qari Yaqub told the protesters: "We will spark protests across the country when the government pardoned the Christian."
The chairman of the Sunni Ittehad Council, Sahibzada Fazal Kareem was quoted as saying: "would a pardon meet the country into anarchy. Our position is clear: This penalty can not be reversed, "Maulvi Faqir Muhammad, deputy chairman of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan warned the government of" serious consequences "should they pardon Asia Bibi, adding that the Taliban are "any attempt to pardon the Christin will resist. "

Asia Bibi's husband, Ashiq Maish said: "Asia and half years in prison was very strong. Since the death sentence is different. She looks tired and exhausted. I fear for their lives and the lives of our family. "The family had to leave because of death threats, their house. The man lives with the children at an undisclosed location in a room of a Christian institution. In the room hangs a colorful children's drawings with the words in Punjabi, "God bless this house," as the correspondent of Asianews reported.

world go further, the solidarity of Asia Bibi. To access the tragic fate of the convicted to death Christin is to draw attention, for a week at the Capitol in Rome, the headquarters of the Roman mayor, a large banner, with the freedom for Asia Bibi is required.

(AsiaNews / Giuseppe Nardi, Image: Sussidiario)

Source: Catholic - Magazine for Church and Culture