Friday, December 3, 2010

What Should Do Aqurious Lagna Person

: WORLD-Online takes news of Mohammed network

Islam is peace?
Many have wondered a critical Mohammendartikel in a German newspaper found. German journalists have become brave?

Of course not. There were now some protests and threats of Musim can not bear that you can think critically Mohammemd based on reputable Islamic sources, and already runs "The World" the product back.

Sources: Muslims threaten WORLD journalists and WORLD Online article from the network takes Mohammed

The article, in the weblog secured "love or submission" and "Copts Without Borders .

And as always, very interesting to read: Henryk M. Broder

read who now want to think about how many Muslims in Germany, excerpts from the discussion at the Forum Islamic Brotherhood: "The reward for insulting the religion of God "

Raphael:" A monster from the field of the National Socialist gangsterism ", well know I the man is not, but what the blasphemy of Allah should now have to do with the Nazism reveals, not me. It is not a specialty of the "Nazis" belittle Allah. However, "Nazis" of course a notion of home, which is incompatible with the current development in Germany. This has nothing to do with Mr. Flake and his idiotic scribblings. For the so-called Nazis would have as one of its first acts to shoot the entire editorial staff of the Jewish Journal "The World" - not for blasphemy, but because of the Springer Verlag nothing but Evil in the world with.

Seyfullah : Omg, what can we say? Stone should these dogs.

Abdul Rahim : Raphael: Research the time but that of flakes, then you will see
where he is active.

Abu Shidda : This is the publishing house where this dog his lies about our dear Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) has published: Publisher's address: Kai Homilius Publisher - Distributor: Brandenburger Str 36-14542 Werder (Havel)
For contact: Email:
Do you want a conversation with one of our sales staff? Or do you want to sell our books? since 20.08.2008 subject to these phone numbers: Werder (Havel): phone +49- (0) 3327-569 86 11 +49- (0) 3327-569 86 11 - fax +49- (0) 3327 - 569 86 17

Abu Shidda : And here is info on this pig: Jan of flakes, was born on 19 6. 1954, in Borna near Leipzig, lives in Fredersdorf b. Berlin - Vita: The trained historian living as a writer in Brandenburg.

jihad al-Liby : as salamu aleykum who or what is in the picture?

Muwwahida : Subhanallah ... what an endless fictitious product! That the author of this distortion of history is not ashamed in land, three alone for most of this potential! Sorry I only do those who read this article and then form their opinion on that basis. Allahul musta'an.

Deathamph : shot age, are! You should visit those responsible and make them with a 9mm from a Swiss cheese

Mustafa al-Farsi : An enemy of Allah, slaughtered and sent to hell.

Abdul Rahim : Theo van Gogh, Ada inshallah Allah reaches the deepest level of hell!

Abu Imraan : If you ever noticed that most of these enemies of Allah really look like pigs. That is not the insult's sake, but in earnest. Like pigs. Look at the pictures on the Net. Geert Wilders - Kurt Westergaard - Theo van Gogh - Jan flakes, etc., etc.

albmuslim : their Dogs of the world online, I wish to torment and humiliation images this dunya and the Hereafter even greater torment I have not even read the whole article 10 sets already submitted to me zereisen inside. Let them for dise outrageous and sick lying penance.

albmuslim : you write a complaint to all mail as I

Mustafa al-Farsi : Yes, I noticed very often.

Janan : @ Alb Muslim, please do not beldeidige the dogs with this comparison. Wallahi, the dogs are so loyal and loving, would not make such a mess. The article took out the enemies of Allah.

Albmuslim : hamdulilah apparently has my e-mail sat DIR ps sorry for the dog comparative Janan I take that back because dogs are faithful indeed unclean but good

nasradin : it should be called pigs, because they look like pigs, and even act like pigs. the food sucks, and the pigs eat the enemies from the pig, their spiritual nourishment is also shit

doubt It is only a minority of Muslims who are willing to follow Islam in its last murderous consequences. But while the majority are silent on the alleged misuse of their religion strikingly, one wonders how many "Misguided" is needed to implement the fanatical agitation of such a page in the act? When Theo van Gogh, it took only one - and to an environment that encouraged this one in his religious delusions. The killer regularly visited a large mosque in Amsterdam. The call for murder was 14 previous comments from those who receive guidance. Criticism did not exist - but with a great enthusiasm for the idea of flakes and other critics of Islam " to zersieben 9mm like a Swiss cheese. "


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