Monday, December 6, 2010

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violence against Christians in Islamic countries - since when? After threats

Burning Church
There are some Islamic countries, small Christian minority. Very often this is presented as Beispielfür the great Islamic tolerance towards Christians. There are also many Islamic countries where there are no more Christians, but why?

A look at history shows that there were Christians in Islamic countries are pursuing. Times more, sometimes less. For example, in some nordafrianischen country's Christian population given the choice whether one is Musim or slave. Many choose slavery. Elsewhere
were brutally persecuted the Christians so that they zusammenschrupften over time to minorities.
In Turkey, there was in the 20th Century, several Christian persecution, with millions of dead Christians. Crimes that are denied by Turkey to this day, because we are ashamed to make their own history.

As it was in Syria and Lebanon as it enriches a Masak on Christians by Druze (Islamic sect) shows

Source: The forgotten massacre

were 150 years ago in Lebanon, the Maronite Christians, victims of bloody massacres by the Druze. The prosecution is from May to October 1860 and found in the carnage of 9 to 16 Held in Damascus in July, its highest point. He fell victim to thousands of Christians.

Next to the article: The forgotten massacre


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