Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bzf Manager Raly Trophy Zdarma

Muslims now threaten even more often non-Christians in Islamic countries

an experience which I too have made, now make 100 Copts in Egypt: Muslims threaten Christians in non-Islamic countries.

reported death threat against 100 Copts in Canada

(Rome / Vancouver / Mogadishu), the Canadian media that more than 100 Canadian citizens were made of Egyptian origin to the "black list" of a website, the Al-Qaeda is closely associated. They are accused of promoting the conversion of Muslims to Christianity. The website Shumukh-al-Islam, which occurred in the past on several occasions as the mouthpiece of Al-Qaeda, has published the names of Coptic Christians with photos, addresses and phone numbers. The majority of them has both the Egyptian and Canadian citizenship. They are accused of taken a public position against Islam to have. The three sites in classical Arabic be titled: "Complete information about the Copts" and have the goal of "all Copts in the world to identify by name, hoping to defame Islam." The Website refers to the Coptic Christians as "dogs in the Diaspora."
writes in the forum of the Islamic side of a member who calls himself "Son of a polished sword": "We will return to Islam and all the mujahideen will cut off the head." One of the affected Copts told the press: "This is a direct threat our lives. You try each other to pass on the information in the hope that a Muslim converting the threat into action. It could be here [in Canada] or be in Egypt. "Many of the affected Christians learned of the death threat only by Canadian security forces.

Sources: death threat against 100 Copts in Canada - In Somalia survived Christianity only in the underground and death threat against 100 Copts in Canada


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