Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mount & Blade Skins Version 1.003

[day] 5 Questions

I was from dear Kiri tagged here now and I will answer your 5 questions.

first What most of the things that hang on your walls (posters, photos, etc) do you like most and why?

I like best is a screen on which a large bridges is in the background and forward extending a river. Everything is colored in yellow / orange sun and looks beautiful. The image I see every morning on the way to the bathroom u
nd think of my father (photographer) because he made the picture.

second Whether painful or not: What was the first CD you you 've bought?

Oh God, it's been a while.
But if I'm not mistaken, this was a "SMASH!" Cd: D

third Do you have a collection Tick? If so, what do you collect?

a real collective Tick I have not but I love to buy clothes / dish. I really have countless! So I am happy again when autumn comes, I can wear this again.

4th Without which three cosmetics in a fix would you be?

I think it would be difficult in the morning without powder, mascara and bronzer / Rouge get along.

5th If you are in your life would only visit a single country, which would it be and what would you want to look there in any case?

Hmm tough question ..

I think it would be America and then to New York City, Albany and Niagara Falls. That sounds like a really cliched but it really is a huge desire of mine to go there. You can do so much / visit ranging from the typical tourist attractions Bishins to small shops and restaurants in the countless Neighborhoods.
- Why? I had one year of specialized work on the state of New York to write what I was really excited.

Soo, and now my 5 questions:

first Do you prefer to holiday abroad or in Germany?
second What color is your 'bedroom' papered / deleted. Why you have chosen this color?
third What was your childhood dream job?
4th is your clothing style has changed over the years, much? If so, how?
5th Which cosmetics would you take on vacation?

Tagged by me:

Sabrina of Cloud 7
Sellja of ... Color Message

I would be happy if I take part in the day!

Up d
to n

Friday, July 23, 2010

South Park Buffering And Skip


walked in my shopping bag not only football shoes but two other little things.

First, this chain of small owls Sixx [4.95]

And a 3 / 4 Leggings
Vero Moda [9.95]

Up then

How To Get With Pinky?

Let's go! - Sports Shopping

After several years of my football boots are unfortunately on the side broke. Therefore had to be as fast as possible new here, because next weekend I'm on a training course and of course there need sensible soccer shoes.
football? - Why?
Very simple: because it Fun!

But the right shoes is not easy to find. After much back and forth I've decided for the following:

Actually, I do not like 'colorful' soccer shoes. But since they are not completely yellow I have turned a blind eye. I'd rather classical: dark blue / black!
Well with such claims is found it not so easy wear shoes because the store about 80% of the shoes endweder red were green, blue or yellow. The pairs were then isolated simple of course, not everything in my size there. As if all the world would take 39! So I've
then ultimately the 'good' Adidas shoes taken. According to the seller Michael Ballack has done so before the World Cup advertising. - Well, then this will become a great season! ; D

power their sport?
If so, what exactly?

I have 2 times a week of training (actually 3 times the only time I can do not unfortunately),
go once a week and an additional 45 minutes. Jogging.
- In the season I have also supposed, every weekend a game

their post fits in here?
's write me in the comments.

Run, run, run

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bold And Sweet Voice Tips

emergency shopping

Here is a picture of my 'emergency shopping'. As in this
post is already written my powder unfortunately been shattered, and thus had to quickly produces a new one. As I thought of course I can not buy the '2 in 1 Powder & Make-Up 'of Manhattan as it was, as almost always sold out. Then just had to with the normal powder.
and a new nail polish remover and I can say: Wow! The paint really did well. After some time looking at my nails
I do but come to realize that I miss the color and paint my nails will run in the day.

yet ag a great THURSDAY!
Fortunately, it is not quite as warm.

Edit: It stormed and rained! The sky is so dark, like it was a long time.

Until then,

Can Ms Cause Your Face To Swell

OPI, China Glaze or Essie?

Soo, now I need your advice I am on the verge par zuzulegen me a 'higher quality' nail varnish. From the drugstore I've just about any brand of 100% TIG and frankly I was not yet satisfied. - Although the Catrice new paint really excel all others!

In any case, I have come to speculate and am not sure which brand I should buy my paints ..

China Glaze?

I have considered the respective ranges and must say that each brand has wonderful paints. I could also buy a few brands from all 3 paints but I would not let a small fortune to nail polish there. So I have limited myself to one brand. I have finally had enough nail polish in every color!

What do you think?
Which brand do I go the most? High
seen, of course.

Until then,

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cruisy Spots In San Francisco

accident powder, nail polish, talk to 60 readers

When? - Yesterday evening
Where? - Cinema

man. why do some people tens of times during a film outside the toilet or somewhere else? I had to get up 100 times and felt my pocket and take Popkorntüte to the side so that the people in my row always go back and forth could. All well and good when my powder would be gone is not broken! : D
man, and I had it I just bought last week. Also, when open the powder determined fourth landed on my pants! So tomorrow I'll go
Rossmann and me Buy new powder and nail polish remover.
nail polish remover? Exactly. I made all the same when I repainted my nails. I think I will ablackieren the days and all run around without nail polish .. or not?
look nice in the summer painted nails always very well maintained. But it's really annoying to paint it again and again with a base coat, 2 color and top coat / quick drying.
Well let's see ..

How often painted her your nails?
like it or you prefer it without paint?

Oh and one more thing: Thanks to all 60 readers! Wow, had I never thought of.

Until then,

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Welcome Address Program

collecting shopping-I'll get to

Soo, now there is a small collection purchase. Since I was away a bit longer must be some selbstverstädnlich subsequently recovered. For an entire month!
Well, first of all an image of the cosmetic products, in recent times have moved into my basket.
I hope I have not forgotten much. Morphosis in the Matt had a darker shade with (140). Summer is here and the tan will not be long in coming. The Basic lipstick is worn only with the RDL Gloss, because otherwise he is far too bright and shiny.

short, concise and factual. I answer questions on individual products but you.

Now I come to a question addressed to you.
What issues should I take up next?
Do you have any requests? Do you want to review a few products? The yield my shopping programs? Or rather favorite products?

I would appreciate any suggestions and questions!

Until then,

Cheap Rabbit Hutches For Sale In Kent

MNY-I too was robbed weak

befor even the new and "young" brand MNY was moving into the drugstore, it was hyped in numerous blogs. All cosmetic junkies waited loszustürmen only on the counter and order to buy something new and interesting things from this brand. She is young, has a great selection, sorted by color and brand is the daughter of Maybelline New York. Since nothing could go wrong. So when the week started MNY-Blogger, I was finished with the final issue. I thought it was cruel and was initially absolutely nothing to do with the products.

I also took the view that all items had gotten a shot too much glitter and have the entire mark under "Children make up" stamped. After a slightly longer abstinence here in the blogger world, I was watching the counter MNY but even more closely. Beginning with a certain skepticism. - When I had the counter for the first time I was considered nothing but really good. As I found on a cardboard cutout a tester but I was surprised. I dips into it with a finger and went by the color on my hand back and was actually stunned. It was a beautiful metallic brown. Cool, well pigmented and not absolutely terrible!
My curiosity was piqued and I saw the liquid Rouge (which is unfortunately limited). Now I had a peach-colored clay and bäunlichen Rouge in the hand. Thus, I needed more a light tone for the entire eyelid. And whoosh, it was also found more quickly than expected. So I strode happily to the cashier and bought my very first MNY products. Many weeks after all the hype and my excitement.

W hat is your opinion about MNY?
What experience have you done with the products?

Until then,