I was from dear Kiri tagged here now and I will answer your 5 questions.
first What most of the things that hang on your walls (posters, photos, etc) do you like most and why?
I like best is a screen on which a large bridges is in the background and forward extending a river. Everything is colored in yellow / orange sun and looks beautiful. The image I see every morning on the way to the bathroom u nd think of my father (photographer) because he made the picture.
second Whether painful or not: What was the first CD you you 've bought?
Oh God, it's been a while.
But if I'm not mistaken, this was a "SMASH!" Cd: D
third Do you have a collection Tick? If so, what do you collect?
a real collective Tick I have not but I love to buy clothes / dish. I really have countless! So I am happy again when autumn comes, I can wear this again.
4th Without which three cosmetics in a fix would you be?
I think it would be difficult in the morning without powder, mascara and bronzer / Rouge get along.
5th If you are in your life would only visit a single country, which would it be and what would you want to look there in any case?
Hmm tough question ..
I think it would be America and then to New York City, Albany and Niagara Falls. That sounds like a really cliched but it really is a huge desire of mine to go there. You can do so much / visit ranging from the typical tourist attractions Bishins to small shops and restaurants in the countless Neighborhoods.
- Why? I had one year of specialized work on the state of New York to write what I was really excited.
Soo, and now my 5 questions:
first Do you prefer to holiday abroad or in Germany?
second What color is your 'bedroom' papered / deleted. Why you have chosen this color?
third What was your childhood dream job?
4th is your clothing style has changed over the years, much? If so, how?
5th Which cosmetics would you take on vacation?
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Sabrina of Cloud 7
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