Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cruisy Spots In San Francisco

accident powder, nail polish, talk to 60 readers

When? - Yesterday evening
Where? - Cinema

man. why do some people tens of times during a film outside the toilet or somewhere else? I had to get up 100 times and felt my pocket and take Popkorntüte to the side so that the people in my row always go back and forth could. All well and good when my powder would be gone is not broken! : D
man, and I had it I just bought last week. Also, when open the powder determined fourth landed on my pants! So tomorrow I'll go
Rossmann and me Buy new powder and nail polish remover.
nail polish remover? Exactly. I made all the same when I repainted my nails. I think I will ablackieren the days and all run around without nail polish .. or not?
look nice in the summer painted nails always very well maintained. But it's really annoying to paint it again and again with a base coat, 2 color and top coat / quick drying.
Well let's see ..

How often painted her your nails?
like it or you prefer it without paint?

Oh and one more thing: Thanks to all 60 readers! Wow, had I never thought of.

Until then,


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