Thursday, February 3, 2011

Candlelit Dinner Bangalore

The democratic Egypt ...

The West looks banished to Egypt and it is the do-gooder group is delighted with the development. Of course it is good if the people for democratic Reforms take to the streets, but it is overlooked that the people in Islamic countries is miles away from what we understand by human rights and rule of law.

To request 84% of all Moslem Egyptians the death penalty for apostates, that is, people leave Islam. A majority also for the adulterers are stoned and thieves and the hand should be chopped off.

can feel 59% of Egyptians are the fundamentalists linked to the the radical Islamist Muslim Brotherhood means with a large support expected in the next election. This will then Egypt is an Islamic Republic similar to Iran as the Islamic Fundamentalists have to say this is not unlikely. Iran describes itself as democratic, and in this sense means that the Muslim Brotherhood. Only the
are Sunni fundamentalists, which is to bad conflict sooner or later, for example, with the Shiites in Iran.

Source: The "democratic" Egypt demands death penalty for converts

(Cairo), the rebellious Egyptians are demanding more freedom, but also the death penalty for all Muslims who convert to another religion. The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life in Washington put his new study on the relationship before democracy and Islam in Egypt and other predominantly Islamic countries and Nigeria. Interviewed for the study were only Muslims.

A considerable part of the Egyptian population, the rebels in those days against the 30-year rule of President Hosni Mubarak declared to prefer democracy to any other form of government.

Calls same time an overwhelming majority that women and men who commit adultery are stoned, thieves that the hands are chopped off and that those who leave Islam to convert to another religion should be executed.

The others in the Study "Islam & Democracy" states studied are Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Pakistan and Nigeria.

59 percent of Egyptians for democracy because "the best form of government"

Egypt is currently the focus of attention. 59 percent of Muslim Egyptians think democracy the best form of government. In Turkey, explain this to 76 percent of respondents in Lebanon it is 81 percent.

Nearly half of Egyptians are of the opinion that Islam already exerts considerable influence on policy. 95 percent of those who hold this view see, this is "good".

total assessed 85 percent of the Muslim Egyptians the strong Islamic influence on policy than positive. Only two percent found it negative. In Lebanon and Turkey, the political influence of Islam by more than 30 percent of the Muslims will be rejected.

In the conflict between modernizers and fundamentalists feel 59 percent of the Egyptian Muslim fundamentalists linked, 27 percent of the modernizers. In Lebanon and in Turkey the situation is reversed.

Just 54 percent of the Muslim Egyptians, both for men and for women, advocate a separation of the sexes in the workplace.

asked to Islamist Groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah and Al-Qaida 49 percent express sympathy for Hamas, Hezbollah and 30 percent to 20 percent for Al Qaeda. Belonging to Sunni or Shiite Islam plays a role in answering this question. The Egyptian Muslims are Sunni, Hezbollah is a Shiite organization. This explains the decline in sympathy for Hezbollah, which were briefly in 2007 at 56 percent. Support for suicide attacks is increasing, however. 2009 15 percent justify the Muslim Egyptians Selbtsmordattentäter, it was 20 percent in 2010.

84 percent of Egyptians demanding death penalty for Muslim apostates

84 percent of Egyptian Muslims demand the death penalty for those who leave Islam and convert to another religion (in Egypt, especially to Christianity). The study found that while there are no differences between women and men, old and young, educated or less educated. All groups are overwhelmingly of the opinion that the only answer could be on the execution of apostasy. In Jordan, the overwhelming majority, with 86 percent of death penalty supporters will even exceed it slightly. In Lebanon and Turkey, however, only 5 to 6 percent call for the executioner.

The relatively strong Christian minority in Egypt behaves in this particularly troubled days still. The Patriarch of the Orthodox Copts stressed their loyalty to the ruling President Mubarak. The Christians, thereby playing the role that Islam has assigned to them in 1300 years. As a tolerated religion of the book their room for maneuver is largely only to embrace the rulers are loyal to whoever was there, too.

(Settimo Cielo / Giuseppe Nardi, Image: Settimo Cielo)


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