Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Celibacy is a provocation.

Each of celibacy with the topic of content deals, those recording the most problem with celibacy, which does not concern it. It will then be searched many arguments and invented to ground for abolition to have no one comes out that you can recognize the real problem is best if you look in a mirror:

A life commitment that provokes

Without faith in God and eternal life is the priestly celibacy not understand - where this faith disappears, grows the criticism. The aggression that comes with the sometimes fought against celibacy, can look deep. A Contribution to the celibacy debate from a psychological point of view. Manfred Lütz

Celibacy is a provocation. In a world that no longer believes in right to life after death, this life of constant protest against the general superficiality. Celibacy is the constant message of living that this world is not all his joys and sorrows. There are people who do this to anger. For, as one's own concept of life is made a major question mark. Not just by a text or a call-cuff, but obvious by a life decision. Celibacy is not just lip service, but a life commitment. Undoubtedly, if the death was from anything, it would make celibacy an idiocy. Why miss the intimate love of a woman, why in the touching encounter with his own children, why on uplifting the sexuality? Why should you deprive yourself of the physical fertility in this life? Only if the earthly life is a fragment of eternity is to see its completion, then this form of life cast a bright light on this outstanding life, she proclaims loudly from a life of abundance, the longing of the people guessed all time has its reality only through the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ and especially his death and miraculous resurrection everyone has been revealed. Our company has the celibacy almost like a "thorn in the flesh", who always reminded convenient or not because the intrusive worries and problems of this life are not everything.

Celibacy is a bourgeois conventions of life, the perspective seems humorous, quiescent civil order. Opponents of celibacy rain often, it's the celibacy was to the kingdom of heaven so far in a monastery on the world is not objectionable. But in the parishes in the "world" because one should "viri probati" (good married men) can act as a priest. It is often the same people who want to drop all the differences between the profane and sacred, even the distinction between clergy and laity, between secular and religious themes. Of course, the belief that God became man in a massive slump in the sacredness in the profane. The early Christians realized very clearly that the old pagan ideas of sacred and profane just could not be transferred to Christianity. There were no more rugged separation. The Triune God in Jesus Christ had taken the whole world in itself. But that the world was not destroyed, the man from eternal God, not burned, the time is not resolved in eternity. New felt the Christians that Christianity was difference that made a difference ", as one would say in the systemic therapy today. Christians were not in common with the world, they felt themselves to be ecclesia, that is so, called out from the daily monotony. But just as she had no fear of contact into this world.
eccentricities amateur psychological arguments

this difference that made a difference was threatened, but after the Constantinian shift to be in danger. Suddenly Christian was not provocative in itself. Suddenly, the senior posts were filled in the kingdom with Christians. Christianity, was speaking secular, not a disadvantage, but a benefit. Procopius describes how the richly decorated woman of standing next to the gaunt figure in worship confessors. This was also a psychological problem. Christianity threatened to silt up spiritually. And just then began to compete to conquer the celibacy. We now know that celibacy had apostolic roots, but now he was the spiritual anchor of the Emperor and the Empire sponsored church. In Egypt, the people streamed out into the desert to the monks to get in the luxurious monotony of city life again encourage deeper leave. And as a minister would soon be everywhere celibate men. The appreciation of this form of life takes place then through the church history. The Synod of Elvira in 305, the Gregorian reform of the 11th Century and the reforms after the Council of Trent - they all struggled about celibacy again to light up. Conversely, in times of weakness and the ecclesiastical celibacy fell into crisis. Beginning of the 19th Century there were in the Archdiocese of Freiburg today an "anti-celibacy movement supported by 156 priests. When it came unexpectedly to a rebirth of the Catholic Church in the 19th Century came, the anti-celibacy campaign completed by itself also in the crisis after the Second Vatican Council it was again the celibate, who fell in the line of fire. But especially in the newly burgeoning spiritual movements, he enjoys high esteem again. It is psychologically very helpful that the priests are in active contact with and committed lay people from this "normality" continues to receive vital new impetus, but also know to be supported in prayer. The difference between priests and laity, but also the reciprocal service for each other can be lived so intensively.

The father of modern psychology, Sigmund Freud, no friend of the Church and Christianity has, strangely enough, could draw any of the early Christian movement celibacy some positive aspects: "In times when the love of satisfaction no difficulties found, such as during the decline of ancient civilizations, love became worthless, empty life, and it required strong reaction formations to restore the indispensable emotional value. In this context, one can argue that the ascetic flow has created of Christianity for the love of psychological values that her pagan antiquity lend never could. "

contrast, were at the celibacy of the past few decades trying again perverse amateur psychological arguments. So you heard from less enlightened contemporaries, to sexuality to "refrain" Do not be natural. This is based on a completely absurd concept of nature. After all, what does that mean anyway? Was Mahatma Gandhi unnatural, after all, has taken a vow of celibacy appropriate? Is the Dalai Lama unnatural? If all the people unnatural that on purpose or because it has somehow give way to live celibate? When the Greeks said "human nature" the essence of each person. Thus the way was prepared for the insight into each man as man rightful dignity, which generally prevailed through the first monotheistic religions.

That which belongs to every man by nature is, above all the human dignity. Never would the Greeks hit upon the level of their thinking on the idea that the Nature is in this sense only the physical aspect of man. Such naturalistic constrictions force themselves until much later in the forefront and they end, as we all know, consistently in the racial definitions of the people who saw the actual people realized only in a certain race. The concept of race the Nazis had the practical consequence that the propagation of this breed had a high priority. Mothers were honored publicly for many children. It's no wonder that the Nazis as part of its consistent struggle against the Catholic Church celibacy as "unnatural" discriminated against and tried in the so-called morality processes 1936/37, priests and religious who sexually as gay or otherwise misdirected to discredit public.
"Sex should be": the macho version of the criticism of celibacy

So you can see that the concept of nature has been abused in the modern era ideologically diverse. "Unnatural" was a battle cry of totalitarian dictatorships against religion and all that came with it.

Unfortunately you can not say that this intellectual tradition of the alleged "unnatural," not now lives on. The word of the writer Bertolt Brecht in 1955, "The womb is fertile yet, he crawled from," has undiminished relevance. Of course, no one is talking about race, but the pagan cult of the body by now celebrating joyful resurrection. Sometimes one gets the impression that the health and Fiterhaltung of the human body, people want to be just enough for something like eternal life. The body becomes a symbol of self-presentation in an increasingly narcissistic society becoming. The sexual attractiveness becomes a crucial criterion for its own market value. The sexual relationship itself is of secondary importance, it fails, if the partner is no longer made up of the admiration which needs the ego. Produced so the new body art while nationwide Millions of evil, for the whole project is doomed to failure even in the banal fact that everyone grows old. But just because people displaced this shadow side of his diligent but futile efforts, is a way of life such as celibacy, which counters the absurd dogma of the general body consistently madness, a special provocation.

way prejudge it without really knowing the old trick of the Nazis back and discriminated against celibacy as "unnatural", which implies that one itself, with its ever-changing, always unsatisfactory sexual relations thus indirectly for a total of "natural "explained. Thus the aggressive attack on celibacy with the battle cry is "unnatural" likely to act out the neurotic dissatisfaction with the ways of life. Basically, it could a healthy, be at rest in the people do not care whether other people as voluntary or forced by illness or the like, give up sex. That would be really their thing. The massive aggression with which such accusations are sometimes put forward are psychologically but an indication that the aggressor might have even have any problem with the concrete life of his sexuality, he not only wants to admit.

But there are also quite unneurotische variant of the allegation of the "unnatural" of celibacy. This is the "macho" version. Since it is rush men "must be sex!" With the call on the ladies. Such immature forever "Lords of Creation," insisting that if they come from the "natural" instinct, the woman has to be available. Everything else they think is completely "unnatural". It is the merit of the international women's movement that "marital rape" has become in many countries, the Earth is a criminal offense. Women on the grounds that one's own nature doing now to force to have sex, offends the dignity of women and their sexual self-determination. So I say this as a psychotherapist: "If you can not do without sex is not capable of before." If the woman - or man - does not want to or because of illness or other can not, must be a mature marriage partner in a position to temporarily give up sex. Something immature macho men can be difficult.

Human Sexuality does not just like a steam autoclave, in which a woman may simply using sexual steam to be expelled. Such immature and cynical misunderstanding of sexuality that are able to see the woman only as an object of one's own gratification, play in the criticism of celibacy a major role. Adults Sexuality is never merely primitive "natural". The nature of man is always cultivated human. In a mature marriage, the partners pay attention to the needs of the other. There are different reasons for temporarily or permanently in the living out of a marriage genital sexuality is not possible, it was a temporary illness, whether through a permanent disability. But a really deep partnership is not destroyed, but sometimes even enhanced. If dry
the spiritual life, threatens the crisis

unnatural celibacy life only when being alone is concluded to selfishness or narcissistic self-dramatization. Before such is the nature of man contradictory "incurvatio in seipsum" is also the married couples are not immune. Should also be a discussion of the celibacy focus not only on the issues of genital sexuality, but you should see celibacy as a particular form of relationship, which entrusted a deep relationship with God with a good relationship with the priest brings people together.

The psychoanalyst Eva Jaeger has in her book on the "single life" the self-confident people living alone to be particularly important also called for all in partnership living people have to also do these people show that they not only function of a relationship are, but have their own value. If for some reason always ending relationships is not uncommon for the only people left the solitude particularly depressing. Then to know that there are people who have chosen this status voluntarily, are in such situations, power and courage. In the other also had a historically high estimate of celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom of emancipation for women, because it enabled them to go their own way, were not only socially recognized, if the child as a woman a husband. When I

for the Pontifical Academy for Life 2003 Conference at the Vatican on the abuse of children and organized young people by Catholic priests and religious, there was touching experiences. The invited internationally renowned experts were not entirely Catholic. As for the issue of risk assessment, the criterion "intimacy deficits" appeared, came out of the audience asked whether it was a problem of celibacy. As reported Bill Marshall, one of the world's leading offender therapist, an avowed atheist with a lot of sympathy for the Church: This is a misunderstanding. He believes that a Catholic priest had an intimate relationship with God. And as an experienced priest in the Catholic therapy therapist noted, to live the celibacy must be taught the priest candidates about sexuality, reported the most significant international expert in risk assessment, Karl Hanson from Canada: "I believe, to live the celibacy, we must tend to deepen his spirituality.

In my therapeutic experience, I can only confirm that the drying up of the spiritual life is often the "celibacy crisis" under way. If a priest does not pray more regularly if he did not confess everything, so if he has no vital relationship with God more, then he is no more fertile than priests. Because people realize that this man of God does not force the Spirit of God proceeds more. This alone leads addition, when the priest concerned to frustration and dissatisfaction with the priest. Then, when offered in such a situation, an external relation, then the priest is highly vulnerable to let rip already crumbling dams. Conversely, however, is a vital priest who lives his faith convincing and exemplifies a fruitful pastors, who can thus experience the joy of ministry. Important for priests is also the hearing confessions, that is an existential human contact. The celibate priest makes clear for intensive pastoral contacts. But to take this freedom for the people, the priest then. A celibacy only for the desktop or an official of life, to neglect the relationship level is psychologically difficult liveable.
more life experience than many married couples

A zealous minister has even more experience than many married couples. It is not what you can sometimes hear that a married couple could progress more chaplains. A married pastor or therapist is always in danger, the experience of his own marriage unconsciously relive and act out in this case. So he usually takes supervision to prevent such a thing. In contrast, a good pastor has rich existential experience with lots of attention. And he can draw from it for some difficult cases. The fertility of the striking of the writings of John Paul II declared Seelsorgspapstes about marriage.

are also important and very normal friends to stay grounded. Celibacy is not cause hermit. St. Augustine considered it advisable, if celibate priests living together in a house. This is now taken up again in many places. Such a household, which is also a spiritual community enables better the need to fraternal correction, the well-meaning criticism, which also provides in a marriage that you do not stand out. In this way, it is clear that celibacy is not really means loneliness, but absence of People and for a specific task. Certainly, a priest is refused for its vitality, some fields of activity. He will not develop skills to change the diapers for small children to cope with the vagaries of adolescent offspring and show the intensity of attention that marks a marriage. It is therefore important that he's vitality can be fruitful in the spiritual realm. Formerly the pastor often the only academics was far and wide. His education radiated in his immediate environment. Priests who lead a spiritual life excited open wherever possible for art and culture, and participate fully in the level of intellectual debates of the time, can experience the celibacy as a source of particular mental activity. Thus, the celibacy is certainly not for the weak and pale characters. Above all, he is not for narcissists, the mentally rotate only about themselves and care for themselves. Not any sexual abnormalities are the most common problem in the selection of new priests, but the narcissism. Because the priest is an almost irresistible temptation for narcissists. Ceremonial robes with other people to preach, which is not contradicted, that is for the narcissist actually the fulfillment of all desires. But as with all real satisfaction is selfish needs from. A priest must actually have the opposite mentality. He must, above all for other people and their needs are interested and make them visible behind the gloss of his own words the glory of God and not your own sparse lighting.

To identify those characteristics is better than all the psychological tests, the careful observation of the seminar. Can a priest candidate empathize with other people? If he takes a certain proportion of the warmth of life and suffering of others? Or is he just revolves around themselves and use other manipulative for its own benefit? And he's hurt by critics exaggerated, perhaps even with eruptive boundless "narcissistic rage"?

Finally, a sociological reflection should be added, resulting from the drastic psychological problems. The project is the period of life has now led partnerships in Central Europe to the fact that there are more and more so-called singles. The highest "market value" is 18 to 29, then efforts are made to put a certain artificial youthfulness of the day. And, finally, after numerous failed relationships remains alone and disillusioned with life. Thus, our wellness company produces most certainly out of luck. However, one must not imagine that in the past because everything was different. Marriage has really only in the last hundred years have had a boom. 250 years ago, only about 30 percent of the population were married, when they could marry only if the economic conditions were in place. Teachers were mostly unmarried, officers also. Thus, the celibacy was by no means as foreign as a society than married. Today the situation is approaching again earlier conditions. Only the singles earlier participated extensively in community life. In contrast, the problem is recognized today alone in small city apartments to himself hinlebenden singles now. It is a meaningful culture of being single. And when does that again once you back on the good experience Celibate in the centuries have made with the celibate life for the sake of the Kingdom. The Rule of Benedict for each mentally alert psychotherapists a treasury of wise instructions of how to be alone with the monk in the community-being can be brought into balance.
The single society and the respect for celibacy

is respect for celibacy in a society versingleten almost a sign of humanity and generosity of this company. Mahatma Gandhi, who passed himself a "vow of celibacy and lived to the end of his life celibate and most of his mission, said that a society that such men do not have, was a poor society. Celibacy means to remain mentally healthy men the opportunity to live a spiritually exciting life full of spiritual fruitfulness. And for the Church a precious gift from God to them - to which we certainly have to pray again and again.

Manfred Lütz, chief physician of the Alexian Hospital in Cologne, is a psychiatrist and a theologian and author of numerous bestsellers.

Source: Daily Post


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