Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Detached Retina Questions

child's education - what children learn?

teachers are always right, even if they are wrong. This I had to, for example, learn in school. I've also gives a value system which have caused problems for many people: What is important is the Success of the individual, of course, we still love all people, at least we do so. Bust out and you will happy.

These are not harsh words, but that's what children learn today. And I was successful and I earn too much money, but now I'm not happy until I understood that happiness has nothing to do with success.

pleased me more so that it more and more children are the parents are so important that you leave them a good upbringing and education bestowed. This is not self-evident and, despite some success Pisa it is found that many school leavers in Germany have very large deficits. Knowledge deficits, and disorientation, which makes it very often fixed.

more: Our children no state property

newsletter to a television program by Axel Kresser

Our children are not state property, but God's beloved creatures, who for the Christian parents' responsibility. This happens rarely, that the anti-Christian television ARD reported something interesting actually. On Saturday, 29.01.2011, late-night TV beamed this something "unheard" of: "Learning from Mom".

As was reported on two Christian families with many children where the parents stand firm against their children at home all government reprisals teaching (et) s. The reasons for the parents in state schools, many children learn little, except that the children are very spoiled in the spirit of this godless society. The school indoctrinated in the interests of society and their state children. Education is in the eyes of pious parents, the parents job, not for the society and their state.

is for this great family of God and Jesus the Supreme her constant guide and companion for life. Jesus' s guide and companion for life is the gospel. These parents educated their children all the way to the admonition of the Apostle Paul: "And ye fathers, provoke your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition the Lord "(Eph. 6, 4).

The duty of Christian parents is to educate strictly according to the Ten Commandments and in the spirit of the Gospel, children, because the Gospel is above all social norms, rules and legal systems. God is above all social norms, and certainly if they differ from God's law and order. The parents in this film report working in traditional roles: men / fathers as craftsmen, farmers and mothers worried yard and budget; fathers and mothers took care together for their children. They live with their children are the antithesis of "progressive modern" society of Germany.

As for me interesting as a teacher in the consideration of this show was: All the children were taught according to the grade levels of elementary and secondary schools by their mothers and fathers. A mother worked faithfully for curriculum and performance standards and the other parent by letting the children play in work related to the environment, all teaching materials. No mother studied education and yet the children recorded by top performance in all subjects.

What an indictment of the "School and Society in Germany, from which after ten years of state education graduates many little reading, writing, numeracy knowledge, but" professionals "to PC Games and programs for fornication, are partly in drugs, alcohol and nicotine addiction.

something "unheard of" discovered the ARD TV team: All children of Christian fundamentalists were well bred, very healthy, cheerful mood to play and fun, very religious, intelligent, athletic, soon learned craft, agricultural and domestic activities. Although these parents showed no state-certified teacher training, she indulged in this beneficial effort to teach their children in all subjects. Thus, all the home education has been recognized, or is, these parents did to the annoyance of school authorities, their Children in secondary school last semester to prepare for state schools for their final exams. A surprising result showed that former students home, they shut as best in class. Two boys and a girl learned craft and farming occupations. Teachers interviewed were enthusiastic about these apprentices with their artisanal talent, high general science, and especially in their personal and clean production. They were courteous in dealing with teachers and Mitlehrlingen.

For the other apprentices and junior students of the 10th Classes, these former students home exotics: Did not the disco, loved no extramarital sex. But they played and were its provisions in addition to vocational training in the main calling as husbands and fathers, wives / mothers. "We are just so happy and find love spouse, children love to come and therefore can educate." Was the conclusion of these Christian youths. Parents are upset that the school educate children at an early stage to the "sex" in sex education, the desire for them to try and give it to fornication and adultery.

The television could not help but declare that they reported on families with very loving and responsible parents. The heads of families have complained that the authorities, subject to conditions and penalties the refusal these parents, their children can be punished to teach in public schools (et) s. These parents are the FRG system had even locked up in prison to prevent them. With "violation of compulsory education" founded the state fines and imprisonment. Other Christian families fled the BRD-enforcement authorities abroad. What is this hypocrisy of this "most free society" in German history, when these FRG other countries of the world accuses of human rights violations! However, these parents

meet exactly these compulsory education, children, high general knowledge and to communicate that the fundamental Christian values and to educate all in the evangelical sense. A youth representative office accused these parents to deprive their children of education and education for conscious citizens and "democrats."

The filmed parents proved with their successes rich educational work the inability of the state social education. Fundamental Christians are opposed to the "fruits" of the Enlightenment, the "evidence" of evolution, they are not compatible with the teachings and commandments of God. For the purposes of enlightenment and humanism forms and educates the pluralistic society of the FRG, the school children and youth. Result of BRD-schools is atheism, lack of knowledge or "one-track knowledge," even in high school, and especially Corruption. The result of this BRD-social education, information and cultural politics as the son of liberal education and the Illuminati and Freemasons-humanism is that the youth is in opposition to the parents harm themselves for their future lives and to live in fornication and adultery from. Homosexuality is regarded as progressive and criticism of it, is punished with the "discrimination warfare".

Christians, however, by reason of their Christian faith and God-fearing its conclusions from, discriminated against, persecuted and imprisoned. This even fundamentally unlawful reprisals disturb any FRG party and the humanist associations. Some see such Christian Centre Church fundamental parenting for cultish and out of date. For Jesus Christ are those "churches" and no church! The Catholic church is silent as far as possible to ensure that fundamental Christian parents after their children and teach the pure gospel in pious obedience to act if these Christians are persecuted because of their fundamental beliefs. Even if such parents are not Catholic, they live faithfully following the gospel of Jesus and that is why the fate of these faithful Christians of the Church entrusted to his protection!

Are Fundamental Christian faith because of their radical bad citizens? We pay our taxes and are subject to the rule of respect, but the order of God in following His commandments. If state law, new standards are not consistent with God's will, even seduce serious sins, it must be objected to and participation in social order be refused for fear of God.

We fear God more than this human society!

I filmed this in the ARD report parents to congratulate this attitude and performance! It is unfortunate that few parents can provide these services, they do no farming or any craft business to offer their children home this alternative education.

My concern with this comment to the ARD report is: Christian to encourage parents in the struggle for God's order in the education of their children, with like-minded believers to join forces and to organize the Christian home schooling as an alternative to state-society education. No one who holds to God's order for himself and his family injured, so the law of nations, but he fulfilled in Jesus' law and order law of every state.

My Type in the clear: "Children as state property," at:

Initiative: Fundamental Christianity
By command of our Lord, Matthew 28, 18 - 20 and Mk 16, 15 - 16
Coordinator: Axel Kresser, Berlin


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