Monday, January 10, 2011

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New York: 41 percent of babies are aborted

New York
The magazine "Catholic" reports of the extremely large number of abortions in New York. If you consider that it each one is killing a child once, then shocked the one hand the more so
Only it's better in Germany? I would not see the "abortion rates" from Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne and Frankfurt ...


41 percent of unborn children are aborted New York - presented "cold, agonizing" Statistics

(New York) A new study found that in 2009 41 percent of unborn children from New York City were killed. The figures were announced on Thursday at a press conference Chiaroscuro Foundation, which had commissioned the study. The Foundation launched an information campaign and a website for a million dollars, with which it is hoped that awareness, Abreibungsrate lower in the crowded city can be.

"Whether we like it or not, the abortion has become a serious issue for New York," said Greg pound stone, the managing director of chiaroscuro Foundation. "We must it does not accept that almost half of pregnancies in our city end of abortion. "

At the press conference reiterated the Archbishop of New York, Timothy Dolan, the position of the Catholic Church, which says a clear no to any form of abortion but an equally clear yes to the assistance and support to women in conflict. "Any woman who is in trouble can turn to the church and we will help you," Archbishop addressed an appeal to all women.

on the side of Archbishop Dolan was also attended by Bishop DiMarzio of Brooklyn and Rabbi David Zwiebel. "Many have said that abortion would remain an exception. 87 000 abortions in the city are no exception. It is a terrible defeat, "said Onion.

recently published the New York Health Department, the current figures for 2009, of which 225 667 87 273 pregnancies ended in the killing of the unborn child.
The statistics show significant differences between population groups. The highest abortion rates show African American women and Latin Americans. 60 percent of African American women of all pregnancies end in abortion, 41.3 percent of Latin Americans. In the Asian New York, the proportion is 22.7 percent, with whites at 21.4 percent.

New York does not deserve the title of abortion capital of the world, "said Archbishop Dolan. "These cold, agonizing statistics drive us forward, to step up our efforts against this tragedy yet," said the Archbishop of New York.

(life site news / Giuseppe Nardi, Source: Life Site news)

Source: 41 percent of unborn children, New York are being expelled - "cold, agonizing" statistics presented


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