Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Opening Remarks Samples

Open Doors released World Watch List

Burning Church
Open Doors hate the World Watch List released and he is not much, unfortunately, new .

be here Christian most

court followed a North Korea (previous year: 1)
No. 2 Iran (previous year: 2)
# 3 Afghanistan (previous year: 6)
place 4 Saudi Arabia (previous year: 3)
# 5 Somalia (previous year: 4) # 6
Maldives (previous year: 5) # 7
Yemen (previous year: 7)
8th place Iraq (previous year: 17)
9th place Uzbekistan (previous year: 10)
10th Laos (previous year: 9)

The above list represents an atheistic regime, and in addition to eight Islamic countries can be found at number 10, a Buddhist country. Which Buddhism is peaceful and suppress anyone's a rumor floating around that in Europe and especially from esoteric Buddhists like distributed. In Asia, one experiences in Buddhist countries, something different and unfortunately it is a fact that Christians are persecuted in Buddhist countries, even under the rule of the Dalai Lamas in Tibet is done.

This is what the world for us Christians. It is surely only in European countries, where it also is the first threats by Muslims against Christian institutions.

Source: Open Doors World Watch List published


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