Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Draw My Car Accident


Two in one
Yes, I dawdled a bit with these awards, so they have also accumulated some. But I always had a clear idea of what I wanted to blog and you know perhaps that I do not have much time because of college and my two-time jobs. Somehow it never fit. Today the weather is so modest that my blogger plans have fallen into the water, literally. 2000 photos I made felt by only one eye shadow palette and a single meet my standards! : D why does my bad-weather plan: D And sees before the awards.
way, I am always like a scavenger about something like that! Thank You all are so great!

Dearest Blog
this award I got from HighDee of shopping addiction , Izzy of BeauCu , Tine of Tines Beauty Blog , Ju of Beauty 4 Life and get Kla.Motte ! A big, fat Merci for that! I am delighted ♥
Thank you very much her beauty! I mean it really seriously! : D

I ♥ Your Blog
And this gave me Mareike of yet ... a make-up blog ... and Kleenehimbeere ! Also, I thank you very much! I'm stupid and dopey! : D ♥
I hope no one forgot! If so, a subtle hint and I'm ashamed of a round!
So and now I want to give these awards also like weier
The "Liebser Blog" Award comes with the following instructions:

You have been tagged and want to participate?
Create a post adding reinkopierst The Love Blog & the image posting instructions (= the text you are reading). You should also link to the blog of the person who gave you the award & they informed by the comment in her blog that you annimst her the award and the link of your award leave some posts. Then you are thinking about you 3-5 favorite blogs that you link in your team as well and the owners of each post by Kommetar - function will inform that they have been tagged and here also the link angibst of the post, in which the declaration is.

love blogger: The aim of this action is that we bring unknown, good blogs to light, so would I ask you not to post any blogs that already have been 3,000 readers, but talented beginners and people who blog but has been a while, but still not known.

particularly like the addition at the end of me. Therefore, I will mention just a few smaller blogs that I like! Awarded Women may then choose if they want simply because one of the awards. If you two have already, that's not tragic, simply ignore it or to write;)
I give over to:
Hagebutterchen of Coral Mauve and
Mary of Maria's Beauty Page
Lotus Flower of Make-up Your Life
Ms Unwritten
meinstern1979 of ! * In my world ;-)*!!

Next come the TAGs! Did I forget! I swear! : D
I wish you all a beautiful Thursday!


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