Monday, January 3, 2011

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pastor Schroedel: "If German visit Coptic Christmas mass

More and more Catholics' solidarity with the Copts, and there are more and more calls for participation in the Coptic church. So also by Archbishop Joachim Schroedel

From Vatican Radio:

The German-speaking community in Cairo solidarity action plans with the Copts in Egypt. The Rev. Joachim Schroedel her pastor says in an e-mail to Vatican Radio. As many German-speaking as a sign of solidarity should be the Christmas fairs the Copts on 7 January visit, so Schroedel. He would also propose to the German Bishops' Conference, "that some bishops to attend the Christmas services of the Copts in Germany".

We document here the text of Msgr Schroedel full length.

"After the terrible attack in New Year in Alexandria is also the concern of the detuschsprachigen Catholic community and the "German community" as a whole very high. We can not just the regret and mourning can be. municipality Our attempt an initiative that aims to as many German speaking people in the Christmas fairs of the Coptic to bring them to the Orthodox Church and Teilmahme these celebrations encourage. There are also on the Muslim side there are various initiatives of this kind, a Muslim friend of mine writes in a round-mail: "I am planning to attend with my friends their Coptic Christmas Mass on January 7 in Maadi If someone wants to bomb a church, they need. to know that there are more Muslims inside each church together with their Coptic friends. "

would be our great hope to participate when also in Germany, such as in Kröffelbach / Waldsolms or at the seat of Bishop Damian Höxter, German Christians. I would also suggest the German Bishops' Conference that some bishops to attend the Christmas services of the Copts in Germany should. This would not only words but a living symbol of solidarity. Moreover, it seems to me to be another important marker, might decide if the Catholic Church in Germany, wants to check out by Coptic Christians Coptic communities and dignitaries to express their solidarity.

Coptic Christians in Egypt feel in any way, whether abandoned, with or without stops, from European Christendom. Each step in an ecumenism with non-Orthodox Christians among some frightening side effects is seen as a blow to the Eastern Christians. When a bishop, as has happened between us, each in Germany built mosque should "naturally" have a minaret, for without such a building would be no "real" mosque (which is nonsense, of course!), when Catholic churches start "relief" for the construction of mosques in Germany, everyone feels the Christians of Egypt this simply as a betrayal of the cause of Christianity.

But finally, the Coptic Church from within, "it keniset-Salib", the Church of the Cross. Their year starts with the worst persecution of Christians under Emperor Diocletian. But from the blood of the martyrs (including that of Alexandria) grow constantly adding new Christians. While we here in Germany is a whatever kind "renewal" the church struggle and rely on dialogue, the Christians of Egypt and many other countries to permanent testimony of their devotion to Jesus Christ, to the sacrifice of the blood, ready. They are the true "Cardinals of the Church of Jesus Christ" who are willing to devote their lives out of loyalty to the Lord to give!

Does your
Bishop Joachim Schroedel
(01/03/2011 rv sk)


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